If you were asked what kind of life you lead — what would your answer be? Is your life noisy, exciting and colourful? Is it quiet, reserved and peaceful? Or is it a mixture of both? Maybe your life is altogether different, but the fact is you’re the one in charge of it. And this is just the way our cube cabinet system works too: you decide what it will look like. You decide how many elements it will have. You decide which function it should meet. So — what kind of life do you lead?
The term “commode” comes from the Latin “commodus” and more or less means “comfortable” or “pleasant”. Some 30 years ago, we translated this concept into container furniture that is just as practical as it is successful. With duo plus, we are now developing this classic furniture even further. And it is not only extremely pleasant to behold, but by offering a variety of possibilities, also absolutely comfortable.
Wood, metal and glass — these are still the materials from which most furniture is made, and that’s a good thing, but of course by no means the only possibility, and that’s why we say, welcome to eo, eo being furniture that is above all made from light. And from colours, from an endless array of colours. Which you decide on yourself. Which you can alter every day, every hour, every minute. Whichever way you like it. You don’t think this is possible? Then allow us to invite you to believe your eyes. Have fun browsing the following pages!
The good thing about walls is that you can hang works of art on them. Pictures. Or lovely lamps. Or drawer cabinets.
Just like travo. How good this looks will be evidenced by the comments your friends will make. If you’d rather have travo standing upright, then you have a choice between higher and lower feet. And as good things come in threes, travo can also be stacked.